Thursday, May 17, 2012

Goal Four

0        Goal 4
0        The Great West and Western Development
0        Motivation for Westward Movement
0        Manifest Destiny
(Rap: )
0        James K. Polk “Manifest Destiny”= God’s idea that the US should extend from the Atlantics Pacific Ocean (Regardless of Indians/ Mexicans or anybody else)
0        Homestead Act 1862
0        To encourage people to move westward
0        granted 160 acres of land but you had to stay on the land for 5yrs.
0        Mormon Migration
0         Joseph Smith made the Book of Mormons
0        They are persecuted so Brigham Young (prophet of God) led the Mormon exodus to Salt Lake City, Utah
0        Migrated Westward along the Oregon Trail which consisted of a religious community that plays a major role in the settling of the West
0        Church of Jesus Christ of Latter- day Saints in Fayette, New York by Joseph Smith and five associates in 1830
0        a railroad line linking the Atlantic and Pacific coasts of the United States, completed in 1869 at Promontory Point, Utah
0        1860’s Union Pacific and Central Pacific in a race to lay track
0        Labor done mostly by Irish and Chinese – some African Americans
0        By 1869 there were 5 transcontinental railroads
0        Dawes Act 1887
 Helen Hunt Jackson
0        Passed by Congress to “Americanize” the Native Americans
0        Act broke up reservation land and redistributed it to Native Americans
0        She exposed the governments many broken promises in her book A Century of Dishonor
0        Populism
0        Farmers v. Railroads
0        Populist farmers wanted inflation; lower railroad rates; and silver
0        Farmers saw railroads as monopolies because they controlled the railroad rates.
0        Munn v. Illinois. Is a farmer’s win (states cant control the railroad prices)
0        Wabash v. Illinois that says that they (states) cant regulate railroad prices. ICC (interstate Commerce Act controls prices).
0        Populism (cont.)
0        Bimetallism: Gold v. Silver
0        William Jennings Bryan- “Cross of Gold Speech” – fighting the gold standard
0        Populist Party Platform
0        Grange Framers Alliance Populist party
0        Direct election of senators, progressive tax, standard work day, women getting right to vote
0        Failed to become third party because it did not expand to groups other than farmers  (McKinley)

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