Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Alien and Sedition Acts / Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions (Nullification)

a.      Alien and Sedition Acts
               i. Allowed the President to deport or jail immigrants; many immigrants supported Anti-Feds.
               ii. No one could write anything bad about the President
               iii. Each party had their own newspapers and wrote bad things about each other
               iv. Federalists were trying to end Republican power by attacking immigrants
               v. What amendment is this a violation of? – 1st Amendment
b.     Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions
                i.James Madison and Thomas Jefferson wrote the Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions
                ii.Called A&S Acts unconstitutional and for states to nullify the federal law; 10th Amendment (states’ rights)
              iii.No one did……example of federal over state law

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